Service |
Contact Details |
Appointments |
01903 234962 |
Enquiries |
01903 234962 |
Health Visitors |
01273 696011 EXT 6160 |
District Nurse Co-ordinator |
01273 265870 |
NHS 111 |
111 |
Worthing & Southlands Hospitals |
01903 205111 |
Outpatients Call Centre, Southlands Hospital |
01273 446067 |
Emergency Dental Service |
01903 285221 |
Sexual Health Service |
01903 285199 |
Social Services (West Sussex County Council) |
01903 839100 |
Citizens Advice Bureau |
0844 8487912 (local call rate) |
Goring Hall Hospital |
01903 506699 |
The Samaritans |
01903 205555 |
Carers’ Liaison Service |
01903 536378 |
West Sussex Mental Health Line (24 hours) |
0300 500 0101 |
Central Clinic |
01903 843500 |
Sussex Partnership NHS Trust |
01903 843000 |
CRI Drug and Alcohol Services |
0300 303 8677 |
NHS Website | |