Don’t Get Flu, Get Vaccinated
This autumn/winter season, we are encouraging people at greater risk from the flu virus to get a free flu jab from their GP.
The Flu Clinics have been planned and you can now book to have your flu jab. You are eligible if you are or have the following:
Aged 65 or over
A carer
Have a chronic illness that affects your lungs, heart, liver, kidneys or nervous system
Have an immune system that is compromised due to illness or medication
Are a healthcare worker
Children aged 2 to 3
There has been a change to the seasonal flu vaccination programme this year. There will be 2 types of vaccine - patients aged 65 and over will be offered a new vaccine that research has shown to offer better protection against flu for older adults.
We have made appointments available to book online but please annotate your on-line appointment booking with why you are eligible.
As a GP practice we have to report on how many of our eligible patients are vaccinated this year and are measured on how may of our patients are protected this year. Please support us this year and get yourself protected against flu.
Book your appointment today
The flu vaccine changes every year to fight the latest strains of flu, so even if you had a jab last winter you need another one this year. The jab doesn’t contain the ‘live’ virus so it cannot give you the flu.
If you’re in any of the ’at risk’ groups, the flu jab is completely free, and is a safe way of protecting you and your family in a matter of minutes.
This year the flu immunisation programme for children will extend to routinely offer vaccination (by way of an annual nasal spray) to all those aged two and three. This is also offered to all children in reception class and school years 1,2,3 and 4 in school clinics. There will not be a mop-up at the surgery - schools will be organising these for any child that misses the jabs at school. Not only is it needle-free (a big advantage for children), the nasal spray works even better than the injected flu vaccine in children.
It’s quick and painless – just one squirt up each nostril will mean your child is less likely to become ill if they come into contact with the flu virus. Flu can be very unpleasant for children. They have the same symptoms as adults – including fever, chills, aching muscles, headache, stuffy nose, dry cough and sore throat lasting up to a week. Some children develop a very high fever or complications of flu such as bronchitis, pneumonia and painful middle ear infection. They may even need hospital treatment.
Simply contact reception to arrange a convenient appointment and get vaccinated. It’s quick, safe and free for those most at risk from the flu virus. If your child is in an age group which get the vaccine at school, but did not get it (ie you missed you cut off date for returning the consent form) we can provide this at the surgery, just speak to reception.
For more information speak to your GP or local pharmacist.
Flu Jab Facts
The flu jab can’t give you flu
- The flu jab is perfectly safe
- The flu virus changes, so you need a flu jab every year
- If you’re pregnant, the flu jab doesn’t harm your unborn baby. In fact it can protect your baby from flu for the first few months of life
- The flu jab also protects against swine flu
- The flu jab isn’t just for older people – pregnant women, those with health conditions, carers, and those with weakened immunity should all get the jab
- The flu jab protects people of all ages
Flu isn’t just a cold, it can be a really serious illness
We offer flu vaccinations every year from September to all our patients, particularly those at risk, including those over 65 yrs of age, those with asthma, diabetes, heart disease or other chronic health problems.
Please visit the practice, book on-line or telephone 01903 234962 to book.