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Going Local
Posted or Updated on 21 Nov 2023
Going Local helps people understand their problems and find a way forward, using help already available in the local community. It's a different way of looking at challenges that life presents which can't be totally solved with a traditional prescription - for example, you may be feeling anxious or depressed about your housing situation or are not sleeping due to a recent bereavement or money worries.
As a resident, you can be referred to Going Local via the GP surgery. It's quick and easy, and a Community Referrer on the Going Local team will then help you unpick your worries and connect you to people who can help. This might be to a specialist housing advisor, to budgeting and money-advice charities or to groups that you may lift your spirits and get you socialising again. Going Local will be holding one to one appointments for patients at a weekly clinic. For more information please call the Surgery on 01903 234962. More details on the link below